Portabilityportable (depends on GHC)
Performance Considerations
Class Hierarchy
The database for simple (non-hierarchical) tables.
data ListStore
class TreeModelClass o => ListStoreClass o
castToListStore :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> ListStore
toListStore :: ListStoreClass o => o -> ListStore
data TMType
= TMinvalid
| TMuint
| TMint
| TMboolean
| TMenum
| TMflags
| TMfloat
| TMdouble
| TMstring
| TMobject
data GenericValue
= GVuint Word
| GVint Int
| GVboolean Bool
| GVenum Int
| GVflags Int
| GVfloat Float
| GVdouble Double
| GVstring (Maybe String)
| GVobject GObject
listStoreNew :: [TMType] -> IO ListStore
listStoreSetValue :: ListStoreClass self => self -> TreeIter -> Int -> GenericValue -> IO ()
listStoreRemove :: ListStoreClass self => self -> TreeIter -> IO Bool
listStoreInsert :: ListStoreClass self => self -> Int -> IO TreeIter
listStoreInsertBefore :: ListStoreClass self => self -> TreeIter -> IO TreeIter
listStoreInsertAfter :: ListStoreClass self => self -> TreeIter -> IO TreeIter
listStorePrepend :: ListStoreClass self => self -> IO TreeIter
listStoreAppend :: ListStoreClass self => self -> IO TreeIter
listStoreClear :: ListStoreClass self => self -> IO ()
listStoreReorder :: ListStoreClass self => self -> [Int] -> IO ()
listStoreSwap :: ListStoreClass self => self -> TreeIter -> TreeIter -> IO ()
listStoreMoveBefore :: ListStoreClass self => self -> TreeIter -> Maybe TreeIter -> IO ()
listStoreMoveAfter :: ListStoreClass self => self -> TreeIter -> Maybe TreeIter -> IO ()
The ListStore object is a list model for use with a TreeView widget. It implements the TreeModel interface, and consequentialy, can use all of the methods available there. It also implements the TreeSortable interface so it can be sorted by the view. Finally, it also implements the tree drag and drop interfaces.
Performance Considerations
Internally, the ListStore is implemented with a linked list with a tail pointer. As a result, it is fast at data insertion and deletion, and not as fast at random data access. The ListStore sets the TreeModelItersPersist flag, which means that TreeIters can be cached while the row exists. Thus, if access to a particular row is needed often, it is worth keeping the iter around.
Class Hierarchy
 |  GObject
 |   +----ListStore
data ListStore
show/hide Instances
class TreeModelClass o => ListStoreClass o
show/hide Instances
castToListStore :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> ListStore
toListStore :: ListStoreClass o => o -> ListStore
data TMType
show/hide Instances
Enum TMType
data GenericValue

A union with information about the currently stored type.

GVuint Word
GVint Int
GVboolean Bool
GVenum Int
GVflags Int
GVfloat Float
GVdouble Double
GVstring (Maybe String)
GVobject GObject
listStoreNew :: [TMType] -> IO ListStore
Generate a new entity to store tree information.
listStoreSetValue :: ListStoreClass self => self -> TreeIter -> Int -> GenericValue -> IO ()

Set the data of a specific node.

  • The supplied value must match the type that was set for the column.
listStoreRemove :: ListStoreClass self => self -> TreeIter -> IO Bool

Remove a specific node.

  • The TreeIter will point to the entry following the one which was just removed. The function returns False if the tiTreeIter does not point to a valid element (i.e. the function just removed the bottom entry from the list).
  • This function returned () in Gtk version 2.0.X
:: ListStoreClass self
=> self
-> Intposition - position to insert the new row
-> IO TreeIter

Insert a new row into the list.

  • The pos parameter determines the row number where the row should be inserted. If the position is greater or equal to the number of rows, the new row will be inserted at the end.
listStoreInsertBefore :: ListStoreClass self => self -> TreeIter -> IO TreeIter
Insert a row in front of the sibling node.
listStoreInsertAfter :: ListStoreClass self => self -> TreeIter -> IO TreeIter
Insert a row behind the sibling row.
listStorePrepend :: ListStoreClass self => self -> IO TreeIter

Insert a row in front of every other row.

listStoreAppend :: ListStoreClass self => self -> IO TreeIter

Insert a row at the end of the table .

listStoreClear :: ListStoreClass self => self -> IO ()
Removes all rows from the list store.
listStoreReorder :: ListStoreClass self => self -> [Int] -> IO ()

Reorders store to follow the order indicated by the mapping. The list argument should be a mapping from the new positions to the old positions. That is newOrder !! newPos = oldPos

  • Note that this function only works with unsorted stores.
  • You must make sure the mapping is the right size for the store, use treeModelIterNChildren store Nothing to check.
listStoreSwap :: ListStoreClass self => self -> TreeIter -> TreeIter -> IO ()

Swaps the two items in the store.

  • Note that this function only works with unsorted stores.
  • Available since Gtk+ version 2.2
:: ListStoreClass self
=> self
-> TreeIterIter for the item to be moved
-> Maybe TreeIterIter for the position or Nothing.
-> IO ()

Moves the item in the store to before the given position. If the position is Nothing the item will be moved to then end of the list.

  • Note that this function only works with unsorted stores.
  • Available since Gtk+ version 2.2
:: ListStoreClass self
=> self
-> TreeIterIter for the item to be moved
-> Maybe TreeIterIter for the position or Nothing.
-> IO ()

Moves the item in the store to after the given position. If the position is Nothing the item will be moved to then start of the list.

  • Note that this function only works with unsorted stores.
Produced by Haddock version 0.8