{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes                #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances      #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  Diagrams.Backend.CmdLine
-- Copyright   :  (c) 2013 Diagrams team (see LICENSE)
-- License     :  BSD-style (see LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  diagrams-discuss@googlegroups.com
-- Convenient creation of command-line-driven executables for rendering
-- diagrams.  This module provides a general framework and default
-- behaviors for parsing command-line arguments, records for diagram
-- creation options in various forms, and classes and instances for a
-- unified entry point to command-line-driven diagram creation
-- executables.
-- For a tutorial on command-line diagram creation see
-- <http://projects.haskell.org/diagrams/doc/cmdline.html>.

module Diagrams.Backend.CmdLine

    -- * Options

    -- ** Standard options
  , diagramOpts
  , width
  , height
  , output

    -- ** Multi-diagram options
  , DiagramMultiOpts(..)
  , diagramMultiOpts
  , selection
  , list

    -- ** Animation options
  , DiagramAnimOpts(..)
  , diagramAnimOpts
  , fpu

    -- ** Loop options
  , DiagramLoopOpts(..)
  , diagramLoopOpts
  , loop
  , src
  , interval

    -- * Parsing
  , Parseable(..)
  , readHexColor

    -- * Command-line programs (@Mainable@)
    -- ** Arguments, rendering, and entry point
  , Mainable(..)

    -- ** General currying
  , ToResult(..)

    -- ** helper functions for implementing @mainRender@
  , defaultAnimMainRender
  , defaultMultiMainRender
  , defaultLoopRender
  ) where

import           Control.Lens              (Lens', makeLenses, (&), (.~), (^.))
import           Diagrams.Animation
import           Diagrams.Attributes
import           Diagrams.Core             hiding (output, value)
import           Diagrams.Util

import           Options.Applicative
import           Options.Applicative.Types (readerAsk)

import           Control.Monad             (forM_, forever, unless, when)

import           Data.Active               hiding (interval)
import           Data.Char                 (isDigit)
import           Data.Colour
import           Data.Colour.Names
import           Data.Colour.SRGB
import           Data.Data
import           Data.IORef
import           Data.List                 (delete)
import           Data.Maybe                (fromMaybe)
import           Data.Monoid
import qualified Data.Text                 as T
import           Numeric

import           Control.Concurrent        (threadDelay)
import           Filesystem.Path.CurrentOS (directory, fromText)
import           System.Directory          (canonicalizePath)
import           System.Environment        (getArgs, getProgName)
import           System.Exit               (ExitCode (..))
import           System.FilePath           (addExtension, dropExtension,
                                            replaceExtension, splitExtension,
                                            takeDirectory, takeFileName, (</>))
import           System.FSNotify           (WatchConfig (..), defaultConfig,
                                            eventTime, watchDir,
import           System.FSNotify.Devel     (existsEvents)
import           System.Info               (os)
import           System.IO                 (hFlush, stdout)
import           System.Process            (readProcessWithExitCode)

import           Text.Printf

-- | Standard options most diagrams are likely to have.
data DiagramOpts = DiagramOpts
  { _width  :: Maybe Int -- ^ Final output width of diagram.
  , _height :: Maybe Int -- ^ Final output height of diagram.
  , _output :: FilePath  -- ^ Output file path, format is typically chosen by extension.
  deriving (Show, Data, Typeable)

makeLenses ''DiagramOpts

-- | Extra options for a program that can offer a choice
--   between multiple diagrams.
data DiagramMultiOpts = DiagramMultiOpts
  { _selection :: Maybe String -- ^ Selected diagram to render.
  , _list      :: Bool         -- ^ Flag to indicate that a list of available diagrams should
                               --   be printed to standard out.
  deriving (Show, Data, Typeable)

makeLenses ''DiagramMultiOpts

-- | Extra options for animations.
data DiagramAnimOpts = DiagramAnimOpts
  { _fpu :: Double -- ^ Number of frames per unit time to generate for the animation.
  deriving (Show, Data, Typeable)

makeLenses ''DiagramAnimOpts

-- | Extra options for command-line looping.
data DiagramLoopOpts = DiagramLoopOpts
  { _loop     :: Bool            -- ^ Flag to indicate that the program should loop creation.
  , _src      :: Maybe FilePath  -- ^ File path for the source file to recompile.
  , _interval :: Int             -- ^ Interval in seconds at which to check for recompilation.

makeLenses ''DiagramLoopOpts

-- | Command line parser for 'DiagramOpts'.
--   Width is option @--width@ or @-w@.
--   Height is option @--height@ or @-h@ (note we change help to be @-?@ due to this).
--   Output is option @--output@ or @-o@.
diagramOpts :: Parser DiagramOpts
diagramOpts = DiagramOpts
  <$> (optional . option auto)
      ( long "width" <> short 'w'
     <> metavar "WIDTH"
     <> help "Desired WIDTH of the output image")
  <*> (optional . option auto)
      ( long "height" <> short 'h'
     <> metavar "HEIGHT"
     <> help "Desired HEIGHT of the output image")
  <*> strOption
      ( long "output" <> short 'o'
     <> value ""
     <> metavar "OUTPUT"
     <> help "OUTPUT file")

-- | Command line parser for 'DiagramMultiOpts'.
--   Selection is option @--selection@ or @-S@.
--   List is @--list@ or @-L@.
diagramMultiOpts :: Parser DiagramMultiOpts
diagramMultiOpts = DiagramMultiOpts
  <$> (optional . strOption)
      ( long "selection" <> short 'S'
     <> metavar "NAME"
     <> help "NAME of the diagram to render")
  <*> switch
      ( long "list" <> short 'L'
     <> help "List all available diagrams")

-- | Command line parser for 'DiagramAnimOpts'
--   Frames per unit is @--fpu@ or @-f@.
diagramAnimOpts :: Parser DiagramAnimOpts
diagramAnimOpts = DiagramAnimOpts
  <$> option auto
      ( long "fpu" <> short 'f'
     <> value 30.0
     <> help "Frames per unit time (for animations)")

-- | CommandLine parser for 'DiagramLoopOpts'
--   Loop is @--loop@ or @-l@.
--   Source is @--src@ or @-s@.
--   Interval is @-i@ defaulting to one second.
diagramLoopOpts :: Parser DiagramLoopOpts
diagramLoopOpts = DiagramLoopOpts
  <$> switch (long "loop" <> short 'l' <> help "Run in a self-recompiling loop")
  <*> (optional . strOption)
      ( long "src" <> short 's'
     <> help "Source file to watch")
  <*> option auto
      ( long "interval" <> short 'i'
     <> value 1
     <> metavar "INTERVAL"
     <> help "When running in a loop, check for changes every INTERVAL seconds.")

-- | A hidden \"helper\" option which always fails.
--   Taken from Options.Applicative.Extra but without the
--   short option 'h'.  We want the 'h' for Height.
helper' :: Parser (a -> a)
helper' = abortOption ShowHelpText $ mconcat
  [ long "help"
  , short '?'
  , help "Show this help text"

-- | Apply a parser to the command line that includes the standard
--   program description and help behavior.  Results in parsed commands
--   or fails with a help message.
defaultOpts :: Parser a -> IO a
defaultOpts optsParser = do
  prog <- getProgName
  let p = info (helper' <*> optsParser)
              ( fullDesc
             <> progDesc "Command-line diagram generation."
             <> header prog)
  execParser p

-- | Parseable instances give a command line parser for a type.  If a custom
--   parser for a common type is wanted a newtype wrapper could be used to make
--   a new 'Parseable' instance.  Notice that we do /not/ want as many
--   instances as 'Read' because we want to limit ourselves to things that make
--   sense to parse from the command line.
class Parseable a where
  parser :: Parser a

-- The following instance would overlap with the product instance for
-- Parseable.  We can't tell if one wants to parse (a,b) as one argument or a
-- as one argument and b as another.  Since this is the command line we almost
-- certainly want the latter.  So we need to have less Read instances.
-- instance Read a => Parseable a where
--    parser = argument auto mempty

-- | Parse 'Int' according to its 'Read' instance.
instance Parseable Int where
  parser = argument auto mempty

-- | Parse 'Double' according to its 'Read' instance.
instance Parseable Double where
  parser = argument auto mempty

-- | Parse a string by just accepting the given string.
instance Parseable String where
  parser = argument str mempty

-- | Parse 'DiagramOpts' using the 'diagramOpts' parser.
instance Parseable DiagramOpts where
  parser = diagramOpts

-- | Parse 'DiagramMultiOpts' using the 'diagramMultiOpts' parser.
instance Parseable DiagramMultiOpts where
  parser = diagramMultiOpts

-- | Parse 'DiagramAnimOpts' using the 'diagramAnimOpts' parser.
instance Parseable DiagramAnimOpts where
  parser = diagramAnimOpts

-- | Parse 'DiagramLoopOpts' using the 'diagramLoopOpts' parser.
instance Parseable DiagramLoopOpts where
  parser = diagramLoopOpts

-- | Parse @'Colour' Double@ as either a named color from "Data.Colour.Names"
--   or a hexadecimal color.
instance Parseable (Colour Double) where
  parser = argument (rc <|> rh) mempty
      rh, rc :: ReadM (Colour Double)
      rh = f . colorToSRGBA <$> (readerAsk >>= readHexColor)
      rc = readerAsk >>= readColourName
      f (r,g,b,_) = sRGB r g b -- TODO: this seems unfortunate.  Should the alpha
                               -- value be applied to the r g b values?

-- | Parse @'AlphaColour' Double@ as either a named color from "Data.Colour.Names"
--   or a hexadecimal color.
instance Parseable (AlphaColour Double) where
  parser = argument (rc <|> rh) mempty
      rh = readerAsk >>= readHexColor
      rc = opaque <$> (readerAsk >>= readColourName)

-- Addapted from the Clay.Color module of the clay package

-- | Parses a hexadecimal color.  The string can start with @\"0x\"@ or @\"#\"@
--   or just be a string of hexadecimal values.  If four or three digits are
--   given each digit is repeated to form a full 24 or 32 bit color.  For
--   example, @\"0xfc4\"@ is the same as @\"0xffcc44\"@.  When eight or six
--   digits are given each pair of digits is a color or alpha channel with the
--   order being red, green, blue, alpha.
readHexColor :: (Applicative m, Monad m) => String -> m (AlphaColour Double)
readHexColor cs = case cs of
  ('0':'x':hs) -> handle hs
  ('#':hs)     -> handle hs
  hs           -> handle hs
    handle hs | length hs <= 8 && all isHexDigit hs
      = case hs of
        [a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h] -> withOpacity <$> (sRGB <$> hex a b <*> hex c d <*> hex e f) <*> hex g h
        [a,b,c,d,e,f    ] -> opaque      <$> (sRGB <$> hex a b <*> hex c d <*> hex e f)
        [a,b,c,d        ] -> withOpacity <$> (sRGB <$> hex a a <*> hex b b <*> hex c c) <*> hex d d
        [a,b,c          ] -> opaque      <$> (sRGB <$> hex a a <*> hex b b <*> hex c c)
        _                 -> fail $ "could not parse as a colour" ++ cs
    handle _ = fail $ "could not parse as a colour: " ++ cs

    isHexDigit c = isDigit c || c `elem` "abcdef"

    hex a b = (/ 255) <$> case readHex [a,b] of
                [(h,"")] -> return h
                _        -> fail $ "could not parse as a hex value" ++ [a,b]

-- | This instance is needed to signal the end of a chain of
--   nested tuples, it always just results in the unit value
--   without consuming anything.
instance Parseable () where
  parser = pure ()

-- | Allow 'Parseable' things to be combined.
instance (Parseable a, Parseable b) => Parseable (a,b) where
  parser = (,) <$> parser <*> parser

-- | Triples of Parsebales should also be Parseable.
instance (Parseable a, Parseable b, Parseable c) => Parseable (a, b, c) where
  parser = (,,) <$> parser <*> parser <*> parser

instance (Parseable a, Parseable b, Parseable c, Parseable d) => Parseable (a, b, c, d) where
  parser = (,,,) <$> parser <*> parser <*> parser <*> parser

-- | This class allows us to abstract over functions that take some arguments
--   and produce a final value.  When some @d@ is an instance of
--   'ToResult' we get a type @'Args' d@ that is a type of /all/ the arguments
--   at once, and a type @'ResultOf' d@ that is the type of the final result from
--   some base case instance.
class ToResult d where
  type Args d :: *
  type ResultOf d :: *

  toResult :: d -> Args d -> ResultOf d

-- | A diagram can always produce a diagram when given @()@ as an argument.
--   This is our base case.
instance ToResult (QDiagram b v n Any) where
  type Args (QDiagram b v n Any) = ()
  type ResultOf (QDiagram b v n Any) = QDiagram b v n Any

  toResult d _ = d

-- | A list of diagrams can produce pages.
instance ToResult [QDiagram b v n Any] where
  type Args [QDiagram b v n Any] = ()
  type ResultOf [QDiagram b v n Any] = [QDiagram b v n Any]

  toResult ds _ = ds

-- | A list of named diagrams can give the multi-diagram interface.
instance ToResult [(String, QDiagram b v n Any)] where
  type Args [(String,QDiagram b v n Any)] = ()
  type ResultOf [(String,QDiagram b v n Any)] = [(String,QDiagram b v n Any)]

  toResult ds _ = ds

-- | An animation is another suitable base case.
instance ToResult (Animation b v n) where
  type Args (Animation b v n) = ()
  type ResultOf (Animation b v n) = Animation b v n

  toResult a _ = a

-- | Diagrams that require IO to build are a base case.
instance ToResult d => ToResult (IO d) where
  type Args (IO d) = Args d
  type ResultOf (IO d) = IO (ResultOf d)

  toResult d args = flip toResult args <$> d

-- | An instance for a function that, given some 'a', can produce a 'd' that is
--   also an instance of 'ToResult'.  For this to work we need both the
--   argument 'a' and all the arguments that 'd' will need.  Producing the
--   result is simply applying the argument to the producer and passing the
--   remaining arguments to the produced producer.

--   The previous paragraph stands as a witness to the fact that Haskell code
--   is clearer and easier to understand then paragraphs in English written by
--   me.
instance ToResult d => ToResult (a -> d) where
  type Args (a -> d) = (a, Args d)
  type ResultOf (a -> d) = ResultOf d

  toResult f (a,args) = toResult (f a) args

-- | This class represents the various ways we want to support diagram creation
--   from the command line.  It has the right instances to select between creating
--   single static diagrams, multiple static diagrams, static animations, and
--   functions that produce diagrams as long as the arguments are 'Parseable'.
--   Backends are expected to create @Mainable@ instances for the types that are
--   suitable for generating output in the backend's format.  For instance,
--   Postscript can handle single diagrams, pages of diagrams, animations as
--   separate files, and association lists.  This implies instances for
--   @Diagram Postscript R2@, @[Diagram Postscript R2]@, @Animation Postscript R2@,
--   and @[(String,Diagram Postscript R2)]@.  We can consider these as the base
--   cases for the function instance.
--   The associated type 'MainOpts' describes the options which need to be parsed
--   from the command-line and passed to @mainRender@.
class Mainable d where
  -- | Associated type that describes the options which need to be parsed
  -- from the command-line and passed to @mainRender@.
  type MainOpts d :: *

  -- | This method invokes the command-line parser resulting in an options
  -- value or ending the program with an error or help message.
  -- Typically the default instance will work.  If a different help message
  -- or parsing behavior is desired a new implementation is appropriate.
  -- Note the @d@ argument should only be needed to fix the type @d@.  Its
  -- value should not be relied on as a parameter.
  mainArgs :: Parseable (MainOpts d) => d -> IO (MainOpts d)
  mainArgs _ = defaultOpts parser

  -- | Backend specific work of rendering with the given options and mainable
  -- value is done here.  All backend instances should implement this method.
  mainRender :: MainOpts d -> d -> IO ()

  -- | Main entry point for command-line diagram creation.  This is the method
  -- that users will call from their program @main@.  For instance an expected
  -- user program would take the following form.
  -- @
  -- import Diagrams.Prelude
  -- import Diagrams.Backend.TheBestBackend.CmdLine
  -- d :: Diagram B R2
  -- d = ...
  -- main = mainWith d
  -- @
  -- Most backends should be able to use the default implementation.  A different
  -- implementation should be used to handle more complex interactions with the user.
  mainWith :: Parseable (MainOpts d) => d -> IO ()
  mainWith d = do
    opts <- mainArgs d
    mainRender opts d

-- | This instance allows functions resulting in something that is 'Mainable' to
--   be 'Mainable'.  It takes a parse of collected arguments and applies them to
--   the given function producing the 'Mainable' result.
instance (Parseable (Args (a -> d)), ToResult d, Mainable (ResultOf d))
        => Mainable (a -> d) where
  type MainOpts (a -> d) = (MainOpts (ResultOf (a -> d)), Args (a -> d))

  mainRender (opts, a) f  = mainRender opts (toResult f a)
-- TODO: why can't we get away with: instance (Parseable (Args (a -> d)), Mainable (ResultOf d)) => ...
--       Doesn't `Args (a -> d)` imply `ToResult (a -> d)` which implies `ToResult d` ?

-- | With this instance we can perform IO to produce something
--   'Mainable' before rendering.
instance Mainable d => Mainable (IO d) where
  type MainOpts (IO d) = MainOpts d

  mainRender opts dio = dio >>= mainRender opts

-- | @defaultMultiMainRender@ is an implementation of 'mainRender' where
--   instead of a single diagram it takes a list of diagrams paired with names
--   as input.  The generated executable then takes a @--selection@ option
--   specifying the name of the diagram that should be rendered.  The list of
--   available diagrams may also be printed by passing the option @--list@.
--   Typically a backend can write its @[(String,QDiagram b v n Any)]@ instance as
--   @
--   instance Mainable [(String,QDiagram b v n Any)] where
--       type MainOpts [(String,QDiagram b v n Any)] = (DiagramOpts, DiagramMultiOpts)
--       mainRender = defaultMultiMainRender
--   @
--   We do not provide this instance in general so that backends can choose to
--   opt-in to this form or provide a different instance that makes more sense.
defaultMultiMainRender :: Mainable d => (MainOpts d, DiagramMultiOpts) -> [(String, d)] -> IO ()
defaultMultiMainRender (opts,multi) ds =
  if multi^.list
    then showDiaList (map fst ds)
    else case multi^.selection of
           Nothing  -> putStrLn "No diagram selected." >> showDiaList (map fst ds)
           Just sel -> case lookup sel ds of
                         Nothing -> putStrLn $ "Unknown diagram: " ++ sel
                         Just d  -> mainRender opts d

-- | Display the list of diagrams available for rendering.
showDiaList :: [String] -> IO ()
showDiaList ds = do
  putStrLn "Available diagrams:"
  putStrLn $ "  " ++ unwords ds

-- | @defaultAnimMainRender@ is an implementation of 'mainRender' which renders
--   an animation as numbered frames, named by extending the given output file
--   name by consecutive integers.  For example if the given output file name is
--   @foo\/blah.ext@, the frames will be saved in @foo\/blah001.ext@,
--   @foo\/blah002.ext@, and so on (the number of padding digits used depends on
--   the total number of frames).  It is up to the user to take these images and
--   stitch them together into an actual animation format (using, /e.g./
--   @ffmpeg@).
--   Of course, this is a rather crude method of rendering animations;
--   more sophisticated methods will likely be added in the future.
--   The @fpu@ option from 'DiagramAnimOpts' can be used to control how many frames will
--   be output for each second (unit time) of animation.
--   This function requires a lens into the structure that the particular backend
--   uses for it's diagram base case.  If @MainOpts (QDiagram b v n Any) ~ DiagramOpts@
--   then this lens will simply be 'output'.  For a backend supporting looping
--   it will most likely be @_1 . output@.  This lens is required because the
--   implementation works by modifying the output field and running the base @mainRender@.
--   Typically a backend can write its @Animation B V@ instance as
--   @
--   instance Mainable (Animation B V) where
--       type MainOpts (Animation B V) = (DiagramOpts, DiagramAnimOpts)
--       mainRender = defaultAnimMainRender output
--   @
--   We do not provide this instance in general so that backends can choose to
--   opt-in to this form or provide a different instance that makes more sense.

defaultAnimMainRender ::
    (opts -> QDiagram b v n Any -> IO ())
    -> Lens' opts FilePath -- ^ A lens into the output path.
    -> (opts, DiagramAnimOpts)
    -> Animation b v n
    -> IO ()
defaultAnimMainRender renderF out (opts,animOpts) anim = do
  let frames  = simulate (toRational $ animOpts^.fpu) anim
      nDigits = length . show . length $ frames
  forM_ (zip [1..] frames) $ \(i,d) -> renderF (indexize out nDigits i opts) d

-- | @indexize d n@ adds the integer index @n@ to the end of the
--   output file name, padding with zeros if necessary so that it uses
--   at least @d@ digits.
indexize :: Lens' s FilePath -> Int -> Integer -> s -> s
indexize out nDigits i opts = opts & out .~ output'
  where fmt         = "%0" ++ show nDigits ++ "d"
        output'     = addExtension (base ++ printf fmt i) ext
        (base, ext) = splitExtension (opts^.out)

putStrF :: String -> IO ()
putStrF s = putStr s >> hFlush stdout

defaultLoopRender :: DiagramLoopOpts -> IO ()
defaultLoopRender opts = when (opts ^. loop) $ do
  putStrLn "Looping turned on"
  prog <- getProgName
  args <- getArgs

  srcPath <- case opts ^. src of
    Just path -> return path
    Nothing   -> fromMaybe (error nosrc) <$> findHsFile prog
        nosrc = "Unable to find Haskell source file.\n"
             ++ "Specify source file with '-s' or '--src'"
  srcPath' <- canonicalizePath srcPath

  sandbox     <- findSandbox []
  sandboxArgs <- case sandbox of
    Nothing -> return []
    Just sb -> do
      putStrLn ("Using sandbox " ++ takeDirectory sb)
      return ["-package-db", sb]

  let srcFilePath = fromText $ T.pack srcPath'
      args'       = delete "-l" . delete "--loop" $ args
      newProg     = newProgName (takeFileName srcPath) prog
      timeOfDay   = take 8 . drop 11 . show . eventTime

  -- Polling is only used on Windows
  withManagerConf defaultConfig { confPollInterval = opts ^. interval } $
    \mgr -> do
      lock <- newIORef False

      _ <- watchDir mgr (directory srcFilePath) (existsEvents (== srcFilePath))
        $ \ev -> do
          running <- atomicModifyIORef lock ((,) True)
          unless running $ do
            putStrF ("Modified " ++ timeOfDay ev ++ " ... ")
            exitCode <- recompile srcPath newProg sandboxArgs
            -- Call the new program without the looping option
            run newProg args' exitCode
            atomicWriteIORef lock False

      putStrLn $ "Watching source file " ++ srcPath
      putStrLn $ "Compiling target: " ++ newProg
      putStrLn $ "Program args: " ++ unwords args'
      forever . threadDelay $ case os of
         -- https://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/7325
        "darwin" -> 5000000000000
        _        -> maxBound

recompile :: FilePath -> FilePath -> [String] -> IO ExitCode
recompile srcFile outFile args = do
  let ghcArgs = ["--make", srcFile, "-o", outFile] ++ args
  putStrF "compiling ... "
  (exit, _, stderr) <- readProcessWithExitCode "ghc" ghcArgs ""
  when (exit /= ExitSuccess) $ putStrLn ('\n':stderr)
  return exit

-- | On Windows, the next compilation must have a different output
--   than the currently running program.
newProgName :: FilePath -> String -> String
newProgName srcFile oldName = case os of
  "mingw32" ->
      if oldName == replaceExtension srcFile "exe"
        then replaceExtension srcFile ".1.exe"
        else replaceExtension srcFile "exe"
  _ -> dropExtension srcFile

-- | Run the given program with specified arguments, if and only if
--   the previous command returned ExitSuccess.
run :: String -> [String] -> ExitCode -> IO ()
run prog args ExitSuccess = do
  let path = "." </> prog
  putStrF "running ... "
  (exit, stdOut, stdErr) <- readProcessWithExitCode path args ""
  case exit of
    ExitSuccess   -> putStrLn "done."
    ExitFailure r -> do
      putStrLn $ prog ++ " failed with exit code " ++ show r
      unless (null stdOut) $ putStrLn "stdout:" >> putStrLn stdOut
      unless (null stdErr) $ putStrLn "stderr:" >> putStrLn stdErr
run _ _ _ = return ()